To connect to a router running DD-WRT firmware perform following: Login into router's web GUI as administrator; Go to Services > Services and "Enable" SSHd under Secure Shell; Go to Administration > Management and "Enable" SSH Management under Remote Access; Connect to router's IP address using your favourite SSH client (i.e. PUTTY) using username: root and password you normally use to login
DD-WRT – Custom Router Firmware – Flashing, Initial login Apr 16, 2019 How to Install DD-WRT on Your Router May 06, 2020
DD-WRT v3.0-r40121 std (06/24/19) Linux 4.9.183-rc1 #325 SMP Fri Jun 21 11:25:39 CEST 2019 armv7l # samba starts just fine after reboot on this unit: WNDR3700 V4 DD-WRT v3.0-r40121 std (06/24/19) Linux 3.18.140 #44656 Mon Jun 24 14:45:11 CEST 2019 mips # same USB 16GB flash drive used on both units. one EXT4 partition.
command line - Can't login via telnet in ddwrt - Unix I have a Gateworks laguna 2388 router with dd-wrt firmware installed in it. It was working fine till i change "http_passwd" nvram attribute. I wanted to change the web GUI password via telnet. So I changed the nvram attribute by using the following commands: nvram set http_passwd=xxxx nvram commit reboot SSH and the Command Line - TechInfoDepot
Oct 03, 2016
So the other day I was making my usual password changing rounds on my accounts and devices. One of the things that I do change regularly is my password for DD-WRT. Somehow I changed it and could no longer access the device. Alas, I did have SSH enabled and it let me log in using the original password … The Samba service does not start when the router - DD-WRT